Saturday, August 16, 2008

To Listen To The Audio Interview Featuring Small Cap Company Platina Energy Group Inc. (OTCBB: PLTG) With Interviewee Blair J

Category: Finance.

To listen to the audio interview featuring small cap company Platina Energy Group Inc. (OTCBB: PLTG) with interviewee Blair J. About Platina Energy Group: Platina is an E& P company that owns several oil and gas lease properties in Texas and Tennessee.

Merriam please go to: http: //smallcapvoice. com/ pltg/ pltg- 7- 24- 0html. The Company is currently producing oil in one field. Additionally, Platina owns rights to a German- inspired, proprietary oil recovery technology that allows for the cost- effective recovery of certain types of untapped reserves that exist throughout the world. It also owns leases for proven and unproven reserves for which it is in the process of obtaining drilling permits. Platina Energy Group Inc. (OTCBB: PLTG) is an OTCBB listed small cap stock company, who recently announced that it has reached total depth and finished drilling its first well on the Young County prospect one week ahead of schedule, and has struck oil. The field crew is beginning the completion process while moving the primary drilling rig to the second location by next week. At this early stage it is too premature to accurately assess the value of the well, or the likely production, however preliminary indications are that production will meet or exceed original estimates.

Blair Merriam stated, "Today Platina Energy Group achieved a tremendous milestone. This week, our first well struck oil. Last week we were able to expand the Young County funding to$ 5, 000, 0000 to drill up to 50 wells. If this is any indication of our coming good fortune, I can only imagine what the remainder of the prospect could yield. Small Cap Voice offers small cap& OTC investor relations services, dedicated to ensuring its client companies gain valuable exposure in the small cap and OTC markets. With the price of oil hovering in the$ 70 per barrel range, and with no relief in sight, we are on the way to becoming a major player in this segment of the industry. " About Small Cap Voice. Through internet interviews, emails, conference calls, investment newsletters, small cap& OTC company news and placement on financial web sites Small Cap Voice creates a consistent presence in the public eye for their clients.

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